It was all happening in Melbourne, the sun was shining, the Grand Prix was on, but most importantly it was time for a long overdue Melbourne Streetart session, at Melbourne’s home of street art, Hosier Lane.
For anyone that’s been down Hosier Lane lately, the overhead construction and plywood hoardings, have put a bit of a dampener in the usual vibrant lane. Whilst we couldn’t do much about the construction, our plan was to assemble a diverse group of artists, to do their thing, and brighten up the Hosier a little.
The result was an awesome session that was attended by over 15 artists, who sprayed, painted, pasted, stencilled and stuck up a diverse range of pieces, which definitely added some much needed colour and life to Hosier.
The session ended with a couple of drinks and a long overdue catch-up.
For anyone that’s interested in attending a future session, these are open to artists or all types and skill levels, so be sure to follow @melbournestreetartcollective to keep updated.